Mood and marketing effectiveness

"I'm not in the mood to watch this commercials" - it turns out that the kind of feelings that many of us might identify with, marketers have long been inclined to underestimate. Recent Yahoo studies show, however, that our current mood really influence how we resonate with marketing content.
Katarzyna Petruk

Katarzyna Petruk

Professional pacifier of unwanted emotions. Since many years she leaves no doubt that her biggest love is Iceland. A strong personality with an assertive attitude.

★ 2 minutes czytania

Advertisers could increase the impact of digital advertising by as much as 40% when reach consumers when they’re in the right mood – according to a recent Yahoo Receptivity of Emotions survey. Encouraging results are also obtained when responding to content marketing.

Researchers looked at the emotional state of consumers and their daytime sensitivity to advertising, and found that consumers in the US and UK were upbeat 46% of the time. This was the most common mood during the day, and was most likely to be encountered around lunchtime (between 11 am and 2 pm).

It turned out that when consumers are in a cheerful mood they:

The results show that the emotional context is almost as important to online marketing as current activity: 71% of consumers said they would click on or read digital ads if they would better reflect what they are doing at the time (eg, user is lookig for tourist equipment and an advertisement of sports store offers appears), and 67% would do that if the ads better reflect what they feel.

Yahoo CEO in the UK Nigel Clarkson commented the results of the study: – Initially thinking about contacting consumers when they have a good humour may seem obvious, but we have never before appreciated the reach and impact this can have on the success of the web campaign. Marketers have focused on the importance of reaching the right person, at the right  device, at the right time, in the end they noticed that “the right time” should be more than just a web page users are viewing at that moment. We should strive to take into account also the emotions of consumers.

Receptivity of Emotions study was based on quantitative research among 600 people aged 16-54 in the US and UK who used a custom-developed smartphone app to complete a week-long survey, and qualitative research involving 12 in-depth, two-hour interviews in New York and London along with further 15 minute surveys with over 4000 people from the UK, US, Germany and Canada.

Kategorie: top trends, B2C


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