Content Inc. – Turning content into cash

“I had no job, no product to sell (and obviously no income). It wasn't a good position with two kids and a mortgage” – That's how Joe Pulizzi remembers the year 2007. But he did have an idea for content and was able to talk about it. Today, his Content Marketing Institute has been on the list of 500 most dynamically expanding media companies for three years in a row (in 2015 its revenues amounted to 10 million dollars).
Urszula Radzińska

Urszula Radzińska

Journalist and musicologist who decided to dedicate herself to looking for harmony in corporate communication. Head of leading Polish content marketing agency Aude, CEO of Content Marketing Polska Association, author of interviews with experts “Your First Customer”.

★ 3 minutes czytania

pulizzi content incAmerican style career or maybe something more? I believe it is the latter. I have been following Joe Pulizzi’s well though-out business moves for a few years. I am convinced no one understands the idea of content marketing, its challenges and opportunities as well as he does. I can’t remember how I found his podcastContent Inc.” but it surely was a few years before the book was published. From the very beginning the podcast was visually consistent with the book published later. It is definitely worth listening to – each new episode develops and deepens the methodology. The book itself was simultaneously published as a paper book, an e-book and an audiobook read by the author. Its premiere was at the Content Marketing World in September.

UR BLOG I spent 7 hours listening to Joe Pulizzi’s latest book, and the saying ‘time is money’ has changed meaning to me into: ‘time for money’


“This is Joe Pulizzi’s most personal book” – says Jeffrey K. Rohrs.
I agree with him. I would also add that it is his best and most mature book. The author does not pretend to be omniscient, he frankly shares with the reader his doubts, failures and successes in creating the CMI. He provides a practical six-step guide to building a company’s financial success based on a well thought-out content strategy.
What convinces me is this authenticity in sharing personal experience, admitting to difficulties and experimenting in the search for the best solutions.

“Had I known that book I wouldn’t have made so many mistakes” – said Brian Blark, CEO Copyblogger Media, during this year’s Content Marketing World. The Content Inc. model is used not only by the CMI, but also many other companies. You don’t need a product to sell – you need a content idea. Pulizzi started with running a blog on a regular basis.
“Without products that I could sell I focused all my attention on building audience. In only a few weeks the blog was ready” – says Pulizzi.

See 20 case studies of using that model:

The examples discussed in the book are in-depth and comprehensive. Pulizzi leads his reader without haste, step by step. “Content Inc.” can be read more than once: first you can see it as a whole, then you can get back to each subject, treating them as lessons. It is a very well written business self-help book, not a theoretical dissertation or a methodological thesis describing reality. It is a proof than content can bring money – which is my wish to all of us.

Kategorie: school of contentic


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