Difficult customer? Find the reason in you

Valeria Maltoni, business strategist, author of one of the most popular marketing blogs, answers the question: Why do customers sometimes behave in a way that makes it hard to communicate with them? Here are ten reasons to search for guilt not in the customer but in your company.
Katarzyna Petruk

Katarzyna Petruk

Professional pacifier of unwanted emotions. Since many years she leaves no doubt that her biggest love is Iceland. A strong personality with an assertive attitude.

★ 3 minutes czytania

You’re a monopolist, there is no competition
Even if you know that the market situation is so good for you that you don’t have to worry about keeping your regular customers, you must make an effort to avoid being arrogant. Customers don’t like it, and can always find an alternative solution. Maltoni gives an example: instead of a fast fixed Internet they can choose one of the providers of wireless Internet with a wide range.

People want to be a part of something big
On the other hand, as Maltoni says, if you are the only “player” in the area, it is worth considering building a community around your company so that relations with partners and customers are more than a simple business-trade transaction. You should ask yourself: Does your company want to be a part of the community? Are you encouraging customers to cooperate with you?

Customers believe you are too expensive
When economic conditions make people tighten their belts, customers find it difficult to see a connection between high quality and high price. They don’t see the value resulting from one more zero added to the price. For this reason each product should be always of good quality, because that quality will be tested by customers and their partners, and will convince them to trust your company.

You don’t listen to what they say
There are rules in custom publishing that customers not always like. When customers want something different, when they have their own ideas, proposals and conditions that are comfortable for them, they come to a wall. Consider if there is a way to interact with the customer so that he or she feels that you really listen.

You focus on difficulties
The conversation can start well, but you then concentrate on what can’t be done, on the company’s rules and policy. Maltoni’s advice is to acquire a more positive attitude and to create a better atmosphere and focus on the positive message during talks.

You’re not interested in getting the feedback
According to the blogger, this can be even worse than not listening. We all know what we like does not necessarily appeal to others. Especially when you change the product or its packaging without consultation, you can raise a wave of negative comments. History knows many such examples.

You ask for opinions, but don’t follow them
Customers’ irritation is even higher when you ask them for an opinion, you listen to what they say, but then you don’t use that knowledge in any way. If a customer devoted his or her time to give you an answer, that person expects you to use it somehow.

You make reaching the right expert difficult
Many points of contact with customers sound right when you speak of it, but it’s not the best solution for customer service. How many times have you felt like being redirected on end when you called a company? Maltoni notices there may be even up to five redirections that take you back to the starting point.

You change the rules during the process
Meeting expectations is one thing, but today rules and conditions are changing so rapidly that it’s hard to follow what’s on the offer and what’s not. Maltoni emphasises this is both about customer confidence and the company’s trust in its ability to fulfil promises despite the changing situation.

Some customers will always be difficult
Maltoni is clear about this: this is nothing personal, sometimes there simply is no way to fully satisfy a customer. Does this mean, however, you should stop trying?

Kategorie: school of contentic


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