How to combat drowsiness at work

We all know that feeling very well, drowsiness can get you any time at work. The spring equinox can be troublesome. Just as one or two sleepless nights due to a project deadline, taking care of your children, a team building party… ;) It’s hard to stay focused enough even to reply to an e-mail. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to put you back on your feet!
Urszula Radzińska

Urszula Radzińska

Journalist and musicologist who decided to dedicate herself to looking for harmony in corporate communication. Head of leading Polish content marketing agency Aude, CEO of Content Marketing Polska Association, author of interviews with experts “Your First Customer”.

★ 3 minutes czytania

Most obvious thing – coffee

And we wouldn’t even mention it, if there wasn’t one important thing: be careful with how much you have. When your eyelids get heavier and heavier, reaching for one more cup of coffee seems like the best solution. Meanwhile, it is a tiny bit of caffeine that can do wonders. Make yourself one cup and drink it slowly. Don’t have too much because the effect will be opposite. Remember you can also find caffeine in other more healthy beverages: green tea or yerba mate.

Use your smell

A strong smell (even if it’s unpleasant) make you sit up and take notice instantly. According to research, the very scent of coffee is enough to awaken us. But not only coffee: we particularly recommend essential oils, as some of them have a very positive impact on our bodies (e.g. mint, rosemary, eucalyptus). Just open the bottle and take a deep breath. Of course, not all of us are keeping bottles with aromatherapy oils in their desks, but here’s the good news – you can also smell your hand cream instead!

Wash your face with cold water (actually, anything cold will do)

It improves blood circulation and has a positive impact on releasing hormones and muscle tightness. It will also make drowsiness disappear for a short while. Cool beverages and snacks can also help. The right amount of hydration will increase the amount of oxygen in your blood thus increasing your energy level, helping you to stay sensible. Try not to wear too many layers of clothes to stay warm. Warmth equals sleepiness.

Take some exercise

Climb the stairs, take a brisk walk to the restaurant when you go for lunch, jump or make bends for a few minutes (you can hide in the conference room:)) Even a little bit of activity increases the energy level in your body.

Put on headphones and listen to some music

Play something energetic! Experts claim that listening to music at work boosts energy and concentration. If you can, nod your head or tap your foot to the beat.

Don’t make yourself too comfortable

Avoid any body position that sends a message to your brain (and to the people sitting next to you): I’m ready to go to sleep. Stay on foot as long as you can. Sit on an uncomfortable chair and you won’t feel like sleeping anymore. Don’t rest your head on your hands.

Let a lot of light in

Light (especially daylight) increases brain activity and blocks the release of melatonin. Avoid sitting in a dark room. If it’s cloudy, turn on more lamps. On a sunny day wind up the blinds and open the windows. The flow of cool, fresh air is another thing that helps fight drowsiness.

Take a short nap

If you can, of course. But make it really short! 10–15 minutes at most. Otherwise, it will start all over again…

Kategorie: power of contentic


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