Reading architecture

It turns out a content marketing agency and an architecture firm can have much in common. The best example is AWX2 Blog. What we have in common with its authors is the passion we have for our job, the sense of a mission to educate and promote good patterns, and the struggle for full professionalism that makes you create customised solutions.
Katarzyna Petruk

Katarzyna Petruk

Professional pacifier of unwanted emotions. Since many years she leaves no doubt that her biggest love is Iceland. A strong personality with an assertive attitude.

★ 4 minutes czytania

The architects Agnieszka and Andrzej Wereszczyński had at least several good reasons to design their blog. “First of all, we have betted that we do it,” Agnieszka laughs. But she adds seriously: “There was a deficit of webpages that educate investors and customers, show them better, available solutions. We wanted to inspire others, but it quickly turned out we are also inspiring ourselves when searching for the topics. Our blog is also used by the competition – it became a tool for many designing companies. We are happy about this, because we like to share. It’s just right – you get something really cool.


The blog encourages “to create and to fix architecture.” In order for architecture to be good, it needs to be your own. “In Poland, we tend to think that when our neighbour has a nice house, we should build a similar one. We like to choose different weddings dresses and we are different in so many ways, but we want to have similar houses,” says Agnieszka. For this reason she always tries to explain the space: describe how it works, how it impacts you, how you’ll live in it each day. The customer realizes that the house design found at page four of a catalogue may be great for his neighbour, but surely it won’t work for him.

Instead of searching through catalogues, it is worth going to AWX2 blog. “I spend each spare moment looking for interesting designs on the Internet,” explains Agnieszka. “When driving my kids to kindergarten I take a quick look at Pinterest, and I do the same on my way to work. When I find an example of good design or good architecture, I search for information about it, often contacting the designer or owner. To prepare an entry may take several hours. Each house has a story and emotions. I want to tell it, to show the reader around with the story, going through space that mirrors its inhabitants. You can say it’s not watching architecture but reading it. When we hear the story of a building and people who live in there, we notice the design is very individual. So it can only be an inspiration, not a ready-made house design for copying.”

The same attitude can be seen in the way they write. „There’s no ‘copy-pasting’ in my notes. I do not copy texts from other websites. I try to form my own opinion and not to take any short-cuts. I read comments about a given design, even those critical ones, and I think about my own opinion,” says the author of AWX2 blog.

Fighting Polish „what’s-the-pointness”
“Instead of telling them what great things you’ve done, let them experience it” – the words uttered at the Company Blog 2014 conference by Urszula Radzińska describe exactly how architecture is presented on their blog, according to Agnieszka – not from the outside as a piece of art, but in a way that let’s you feel it’s impact. Shortly after the conference the blog was expanded by a new section – “Inspirations”. “Our findings sent to our families and friends – inspiring films, books, coaching classes, webinars – collected in one place with hope that at least one person would take over our energy and motivation for living,” says Agnieszka. “We believe that the readers will only understand what we want to tell them with on blog if they can experience the world as we are experiencing it. And we like learning from others.”

The architects’ initiative has been appreciated not only by Internet users. Last year the blog received recognition at the Blog Design competition, part of Łódź Design Festival, and at the Company Blogs 2014 in the category „Entry of the Year”.

In the picture: author of the project: architect Ola Wołczyk, author of the photography: Hanna Długosz.

Kategorie: power of contentic


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