Source of fruitful ideas

Summer is a perfect time to take our slogan “source of fruitful ideas” literally and share with you some of our favorite fruit and veggie smoothy recipes.
Katarzyna Petruk

Katarzyna Petruk

Professional pacifier of unwanted emotions. Since many years she leaves no doubt that her biggest love is Iceland. A strong personality with an assertive attitude.

★ 2 minutes czytania

“Source of fruitful ideas” is the slogan printed on our glasses-bottles, which are perfect for carrying smoothie as a takeaway. The bottles premiered at the Power Of Content Marketing 2015 conference. Each guest was able to take a bottle with them and start using it every day. Since that time, the bottle has become a hot item not only among our customers (relax, we’re preparing another delivery), but also people in the street asking where they can get one.

No wonder – they look delicious, especially in juicy fruity colors, which we have a few suggestions for…

MR 0Z5Y8015 BLOGMarcin:
Apple, parsley, fresh mint, a squeeze of lemon juice. I love it because it’s got dry taste and has lots of vitamins and antioxidants, so it’s also good for your health. Plus, it gives an energy kick!


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BM 0Z5Y8048 BLOGBożena:
May seem prosaic, but when the strawberry season is on, we know that summer is here. I recommend strawberry and buttermilk smoothie. It is my latest discovery, because buttermilk adds a distinct flavor to strawberries.




When it’s hot I like the universal version, that is water with lemon slices and mint leaves. I also have something for those who like green flavors: spinach, orange, and optionally a few chunks of apple. Some may dislike the color, but it’s super nourishing.


PG aPaulina:
Two grapefruits, orange, lime, one centimeter of ginger root – blend it and voila! This cocktail is perfect for hot days: it’s refreshing, healthy, rich in vitamin C. Plus that great citrus aroma that hangs around the kitchen! Ladies may find it particularly attractive, as it is said to… help fight “orange peel”:)



Kategorie: power of contentic, B2C, B2B


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