The art of communications

CSR report can be more than a description. A little work is enough to change a simple description into a masterpiece. In the CSR report by ING Bank Śląski – “The Art of Responsibility” – we took art literally…  
Katarzyna Petruk

Katarzyna Petruk

Professional pacifier of unwanted emotions. Since many years she leaves no doubt that her biggest love is Iceland. A strong personality with an assertive attitude.

★ 2 minutes czytania

sherlock 310x360The art of presentation – the report has unusual graphic form, which is still within the recent trends: the typograhy and lettering of the title pages were hand-written, dedicated to this very project.
The art of harmony –  the most important initiatives and operations in 2011 – 2012 and bank statistics have been ordered in four areas traditionally linked to responsible management: business, workplace, society, and natural environment.
The art of honesty –  the report facilitates access to information – also that belieuciekajacy pan 360x310ved to be controversial.
The art of showing initiative – publishing a CSR report is another initiative building trust among the bank’s stakeholders (e.g. customers, stockholders and employees) through open communication. It is also a response to market trends and an announcement of changes in the non-financial data reporting regulations.
The art of moderation – the report could be longer, but we value OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAthe time of the readers and paper that we print it on (hence the choice of eco paper).
The art of openness – a report is a joint work of many people. Employees provided materials, interviews, shared their passions.
The art of obeying rules – the report meets the GRI standards (Global Reporting Initiative) – version 3.1, level B.
The art of debuting – this is the bank’s first report devoted solely to corporate social responsibility. The publication was awarded the pan ksiazka 310x360“Best debut” title in the CSR Reporting Competition 2013 and was listed in The Top Ten CSR Reports of 2013.


The art itself – the report’s style relates to contemporary art, as ING Bank Śląski is the patron of art – ING Polish Art Foundation supports young ing obraz 360x310artists.

You can view the report in digital version here.

Kategorie: power of contentic


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