The (late?) power of print

Two years ago custom press was an important element of marketing activities developed for customers.
Katarzyna Petruk

Katarzyna Petruk

Professional pacifier of unwanted emotions. Since many years she leaves no doubt that her biggest love is Iceland. A strong personality with an assertive attitude.

★ 2 minutes czytania

According to a research by the Custom Content Council from 2012, most companies (56%) were publishing from 1 to 15 custom publications, 16% of the companies declared the number is one hundred or more, and 9% – that they prepare from 40 to 60 publications. For many firms, most income to the budget was from print: 39% of the respondents admitted it provides 51–75% of income, and 26% – that it’s as much as 76 to 100%. Printed text was still remaining the most widely used medium (84%), followed by social media, video, tablets, and blogging, smartphones taking the last place on the list (10%).

Marketing experts believed in the next five years the greatest increase will be among tablets and smartphones (31%), which are currently giving place to other platforms. Most agencies claimed they had included mobile platforms (particularly those dedicated to smartphones and tablets) in their content strategy for customers, 37% on a significant level, but 41% thought they should do more in this area.

Content marketing publishers also gave credit to the video – 50% claimed they have included this platform in their marketing strategy, but on an insufficient level, while 41% of the respondents did it on a significant level. 9% was still considering introducing the video to the strategy for customer-brands.

The numbers are similar when it comes to the social media. Only 3% of the respondents did not plan to move their marketing activity towards the social media. The list of the most popular social networking channels was far from surprising: the most frequently used include Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. The once major competition to Facebook – Google + – was ranked sixth. At the same time, most of the respondents admitted those three leaders: Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, will be losing their importance in the next five years.

Kategorie: top trends, B2E, B2C, B2B


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