The shoemaker’s children always go barefoot…

…We all know that saying, which does not mean that we use its wisdom in real life. And so it was with us and the article about the awards we received in the Power of Content Marketing competition. We collected the awards some time ago, and we haven't told the world until today. But…
Magdalena Kozińska

Magdalena Kozińska

A tamer of words, which have only one option under her supervision – to become an exceptional text. She likes it fast, loud and specific. The Manager of Neverending Creativity. With impeccable lightness she shares with us her rippling laughter and juggles with words… not always so impeccable. Her reliability has been well described by one of our customers: “I don’t know what I want, but I’m sure Magda does know it!”

★ 1 minute czytania


…but even though we always tell our customers how important it is to be quick and to provide updated information, this time the shower of awards – our designs won 11 awards altogether: 4 golden, 4 silver and 3 distinctions – has made us feel quite sloshed for many days…


…but we are one of the longest-lasting content marketing agencies on the market and, as we all know, with age the resistance to various pleasant incentives lowers and you need gradually more time and rest to get back to shape.


…but we are a large company whose strongest point is the people, truly artistic souls. And you know what artists are like: defending their own vision, at times only open to strength arguments.

…but we are lucky to have Ula Radzińska, the boss, who starts each day with meditation and is able to stand on her head to find the best solution. So we were finally able to get from strength arguments to brainstorming and…

5…after only two weeks we are sharing our success online. Read about it!

Kategorie: power of contentic