WebSummit 2014 – second and third day

Just four years ago WebSummit was an event for 500 people from irish tech scene who gather in house in Dublin. This year's edition had 20 000 guests, 12 panelist on stage and show biz stars like Bono (U2) and Eva Longoria. Queues for food and WiFi problems weren't that matter, when you can hear former Apple CEO John Sculley revealing that Steve Jobs couldn't draw and never forgave him, Bitcoin Foundation's chief scientist Gavin Andresen revealing he doesn't know who Satoshi Nakamoto is and doesn't care and Bono telling he is an "spoilt rotten, overpaid, over-nourished rock star."
Monika Sońta

Monika Sońta

Organizational consultant and researcher rooted in Human-Centered Design. Balances between the world of science (she works at the Leon Kozminski Academy's Management In Digital Society) and business consulting. During her workshops she uses 21 kilograms of LEGO® blocks or a huge FORTH Innovation map.

★ 2 minutes czytania

Our correspondent, Monica Sońta, sums up the main point of discussion from the second and third day of WebSummit:

Close-to-your-skin technology

  • Sensors-based technology helps you in organizing your life in every possible way.
  • Activity tracking watches or pedometers you never want to take off. You want to wear them all the time, without charging.
  • Life-changing functions above ‘nice to have’ artificial needs. Who wears the Google glasses everyday?!
  • Don’t forget that your smart watch should have a smart owner. It’s more about awareness and real usage of functions than being aware that they exist.

Hypertargeting based on the large amount of data

HYPER targeting: data amount will be raising and still everything will be based on collecting huge amount of data but expectations towards precision and quality of insights taken from the data will be highly raising. Additionally, now we concentrate on material products, there will be a huge renaissance on the new tech on the service layer.

Proceed and be bold!

  • Be distractive to your company’s action but in a constructive and creative ways.
  • Distract yourself in your way of thinking about the products.
  • Test your products. As soon as you have the minimum value product… go to the market and ask crowds for co-creation.
  • Get access to lots of skills and perspectives.

New technology trends:
Connected home vision – data collection from everyday’s users routines (yupi! Real ethnographic research is back!) but with a switch from measurement and tracking of the activities to reading the users’ experience out of the data collected.

Videos from all three days of WebSummit are available on YouTube. Our photo gallery shows that it is not only what is happening on stage, but also a specific opportunity to networking for small businesses.

Kategorie: top trends, B2C


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