AgroKurier – well-grounded in farming

The end of March is a perfect time for publishing another issue of a magazine for farmers, who are about to open a new season and swing into high gear for the next few months. The latest issue of AgroKurier magazine keeps up with them, providing lots of practical information, e.g. about farm financing and effective investment planning.
Ewelina Jamka

Ewelina Jamka

Free spirit with openness to the world and many years of experience in various editorials offices, allowing her to find an idea for attractive view on any corporate subject.

★ 2 minutes czytania

We publish the magazine about farming sector financing for BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A. The bank’s goal and the reason for having the magazine is to strengthen the company’s image among customers who had used Bank BGŻ offer before. The new bank, formed after the merger of BNP Paribas Polska with Bank BGŻ, continues the offer for farmers, and AgroKurier’s task is to inform about it – in a way that is intelligent, abounds in content and is easy to understand.

The magazine contains articles written by experts in farming, comments by bank analysts, calendar of the upcoming sector events, publications regarding the Rural Development Program or changes in the Agricultural System Forming Act, etc. Plus entertainment section, titbit etc. It also has “closer to people” columns: for instance, in the previous issue we presented the finalists of a competition offering a photo shoot as an award. Our photographer visited the winners at their farms – Antoni from Biała Podlaska, Iwona from Inowrocław region and Patryk from eastern Pomerania – and their photos and stories of their farming businesses are now in the magazine. Just go and grab it!

Readers do like to reach for AgroKurier because the layout idea was inspired by traditional newspapers – hence the convenient format typical of daily press. It is published two or three times a year, the publication date is always related with a farming event – the latest issue accompanied the Agrotech Fair in Kielce. It was distributed at the client’s stand and the remaining copies are now distributed in the bank’s branches.

See Agrokurier spring issue here.

Kategorie: power of contentic, B2C


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