CM Master Class in the eyes of Stephanie Losee

Master Class workshop is getting closer! We recently talked about it with Rebecca Lieb and now it's time for another co-leader. Stephanie Losee who heads content at Visa, a global brand, explains us why it is worth attending the meeting.

Zuzia Kuczborska

★ 2 minutes czytania

Zuzia Kuczborska: What can the participants expect from the workshop?

Stephanie Losee: Rebecca and I will walk them through the steps that companies of any size need to take in order to develop and execute an effective content strategy.

Z. K.: And what will they gain from it?

S. L.: They will hear practical advice about how to approach content for their particular use cases, which is why I’m excited about teaching it. Our remarks will be customized for the audience.

Z. K.: How will you reconcile the beginners in CM and people with broader knowledge so that the workshop would be valuable for both groups?

S. L.: There is no such thing as a company that feels its content marketing strategy is everything they want it to be; we are all beginners and all experts. We are experts in our businesses and beginners in various aspects of content marketing. We can always learn more from examples and questions from others.

Companies need to define their goals, create content that offers them test-and-learn opportunities, measure the results, and then adjust the strategy according to them.

Z. K.: What is essential in building a content marketing strategy?
S. L.: An understanding of the goals your organization has for content marketing. Rebecca is a particular expert in promotional content marketing and my expertise is in repetitional, so between the two of us we should be able to supply the correct building blocks for the organizations represented in the workshop.

Z. K.: What are the most common mistakes made by marketers? How to avoid them?

S. L.: The biggest mistake and the easiest one to remedy is not to close the feedback loop. Companies need to define their goals, create content that offers them test-and-learn opportunities, measure the results, and then adjust the strategy according to them. This is a never-ending process and one that, as I said above, no company ever feels is finished. A successful content marketing strategy is always evolving.

And what Rebecca thinks about CM Master Class? Read our talk.

Tickets for the event still available here !

We recommend to watch and hear Stephanie live in an interview for the Native Advertising Institute.


Stephanie Losee is a head of content at Visa. Previously she's been a former head of brand content at POLITICO and Managing Editor of Dell, directing editorial content strategy. She's a brand journalism/sponsored content thought leader and speaker. Unquestionable expert in content marketing.

Kategorie: power of contentic


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