
Knauf magazine for employees dropped into our hands – or shall we say: we joined the “Family&Work” family – early this year. We’ve completed two issues and won the Bronze Award Szpalty Roku for the magazine. We are delighted to see our cooperation with the new client is so successful.
Ewelina Jamka

Ewelina Jamka

Free spirit with openness to the world and many years of experience in various editorials offices, allowing her to find an idea for attractive view on any corporate subject.

★ 3 minutes czytania

It all began when “Family&Work” magazine needed a freshening up – both visual and editorial. Aude team of graphic designers and editors was glad to perform the revitalizing project. We like that kind of challenges and we like fighting for our right 🙂 to have plenty of space for texts (that’s for editors) and to be able to expose the images (that’s for graphic designers). The outcome of that creative brainstorming was a brand new layout. The magazine is large (A3), clear and light – it encourages readers with minimalist design and well-thought-out arrangement of columns.

The periodical is visually attractive also because photographs for the cover story are taken by an experienced photographer who’s been cooperating with our agency for many years – let’s not forget people and how we show them is key in the magazine.
The main goal of the periodical is to integrate employees, increase brand awareness and better product awareness, strengthening the feeling in employees that they are part of a large international team. It was only natural to choose stories about what’s happening within the company as well as those closer to their everyday work – we want to engage employees so they can contribute to the magazine using their knowledge and experience, that’s why our editors keep in touch with them.

In stories about people from the company we show them through their passions and interests. The magazine also includes entertainment columns, with a crossword puzzle or about ideas for spending free time. When employees see their colleague from the department has an interesting hobby – or has similar interests to theirs – they get a different perspective and they have better relations at work as a result.
A large column about psychology and business covers general stories combining business psychology and psychological advice useful both at work and in private life.

In articles about house renovation and building company experts advise on solving problems, the choice of products when you plan e.g. to renovate the hallway. After all, Knauf is no short of experts and professionals, and a colleague’s recommendation is always more reliable than one found on the Internet. Such texts smoothly combine the professional and private areas, in accordance with the title philosophy of “Family&Work.”

Developing the periodical for Knauf is huge responsibility – the magazine goes to five factories and into the hands of nearly 700 employees. Our task is to make the magazine attract the maximum number of readers.


Power of Content Marketing competition Winning an award in a competition where nearly 200 projects were submitted and the Jury was composed of experts in communication, marketing, photographers and journalists is a success we can be proud of. The Jury was headed by Dr hab. Jacek Wasilewski, media expert of the University of Warsaw, a perceptive market observer, so we’re the more pleased to see “Family&Work” assessed so positively. The magazine was recognized for “not frequent initiative of this type in the production sector and friendly communication.” “The Knauf magazine is an example of clear communication with employees. Simple message, good photos, well designed product adjusted to the target group,” said about our magazine one of the Jurors, Jacek Piotrowski, photographer for many years cooperating with “Wysokie obcasy” and “Viva.” The award gala was held in the Sabat Theater – on behalf of the editorial, the award was collected by Magdalena Nowak, Marketing Director Knauf Sp. z o.o., who is editor-in-chief of the magazine.

Kategorie: power of contentic, B2E


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