Rebecca Lieb about CM Master Class

Rebecca Lieb will co-host the Content Marketing Master Class workshop in Warsaw on June 6th. We already can not wait. We ask her what can the participants expect?

Zuzia Kuczborska

★ 3 minutes czytania

Rebecca Lieb: A lot! First (and somewhat immodestly) they will work with two of the most dedicated and prominent people in content in the USA. Stephanie Losee heads content at Visa, a global brand. Earlier she held the same role at Dell. She’s a practitioner par excellence and will share real-world, real-life examples of what content strategists deal with on the job. As a reearch analyst and author, I’ve published more work on content marketing and content strategy than any other individual. My work is informed by conducting deep interviews with people like Stephanie (in fact, my third book on content strategy will publish while I’m in Warsaw!). Stephanie and I both have deep backgrounds not only in marketing, but also in journalism, so we really do bring experience and perspective to this workshop.

Zuzia Kuczborska: What will they gain from it?

R. L.: Participants will gain both strategic and tactical knowledge. They’ll not only learn the elements of content strategy, and see amazing content marketing case studies, but they will learn new ways to measure to prove content ROI. They will get templates that will help them conduct a content audit, or select new tools and technology to support their program. They will also learn how content bleeds into every aspect of marketing, and even beyond marketing to lift and benefit the enterprise.

Content strategy is about ongoing experimentation and optimization, not about a “right” answer.

Z. K.: How will you reconcile the beginners in CM and people with broader knowledge so that the workshop would be valuable for both groups?

R. L.: This is a workshop, not a lecture. We will all learn from one another. Beginners have their own unique perspective and experiences, so do more seasoned content marketers. We plan to create team exercises so all levels can exchange knowledge and ideas, regardless of their level of experience. In the end, content strategy is about ongoing experimentation and optimization, not about a “right” answer.

Z. K.: What is essential in building a content marketing strategy?

R. L.: We’re going to spend a whole morning discussing that question! But if I have to be brief, content strategy is first understanding WHY content is important, what purpose will it serve? Then, it’s developing repeatable processes to create, disseminate and measure the content so that it can be optimized to meet those goals. The goals are the most foundational element of strategy.

Z. K.: What are the most common mistakes made by marketers? How to avoid them?

R. L.: Oh, that’s simple. It’s “committing content marketing” without having a content strategy. This leads to burnout, to not having enough ideas, to abandoned blogs and social media pages because there’s “not enough content” or “not enough good content.” Without a strategy, execution must and will eventually fail.

Tickets for the event still available here !

Worth watching: interesting interview with Rebecca about Context Marketing and Digital Transformation.



Rebecca is a content marketing authority, book author, columnist, strategic advisor and research analyst. It's worth visiting her site to find out more.

Kategorie: school of contentic


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