The art of presentation

Whether we like making them or not, they are something any training or business meeting can not do without – presentations.
Katarzyna Petruk

Katarzyna Petruk

Professional pacifier of unwanted emotions. Since many years she leaves no doubt that her biggest love is Iceland. A strong personality with an assertive attitude.

★ 2 minutes czytania

Why are they so crucial? They enable you to present your data in a clear, ordered and visually attractive way. By using the sound and video, we add an interesting multimedia character to our presentation. A good presentation plays the role of a well-knit and creative support for the speaker. To prepare a presentation takes more time than simply transferring the content onto sides and illustrations. The knowledge of the program, together with the possibilities of the program, allow for saving time and using it efficiently.

We design presentations in every dedicated program. From a simple PDF and photo application to advanced desktop publishing sets:
intelligent and gradually more interactive – Power Point,
dynamic and offering unique navigation – Prezi
including effective graphics and animations – Keynote (available for Apple).
We know their limits and possibilities.

According to one of the schools, the most important is the first and the final slide. The first one – because it is usually displayed for the longest time: it serves as a background for the introduction, deciding on organizing matters, etc. Most of the participants listen to the introduction and look at the displayed image many times. The final slide is important because it is a summary of what has been said. It is displayed when questions are asked by the audience. It shows once again all the key information. It is comfortable for the discussion: we can quickly go back to certain conclusions without the necessity of bringing back the adequate slide. The last slide should be a support for the speaker: an anchor and stabilization for the message he or she has just conveyed. A final slide saying: “Thank you for attention” does not serve any purpose. One may think: why is that written down when it could be said? Or why would you thank the audience if they weren’t paying attention?

We it’s important that the presentation looks good, but we also know what it is really about: it’s not meant to be read, but it’s also not about showing off with technical skills. The slides are only a background for the speakers, their words and gestures – they help illustrate the subject. Therefore, we use short texts and images: photos, examples, diagrams. We avoid so frequently used bullet points. We simplify, but also wake imagination and excite emotions.

Kategorie: school of contentic, B2E, B2C, B2B


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