Clients on top

Winners of the Top Employer Poland and Top Employer Europe 2017 certificates have been announced – we know this not only from the Top Employers Institute website, but also because Aude was responsible for preparing communication about the fact for some of them :)
Ewelina Jamka

Ewelina Jamka

Free spirit with openness to the world and many years of experience in various editorials offices, allowing her to find an idea for attractive view on any corporate subject.

★ 2 minutes czytania

The companies whose good practices have won them the distinction are proud of their achievement, and we are proud to have such clients. The Top Employers Institute is an independent organization researching the employment policy of top global employers and comparing it with international standards. Each year the Institute points to the leading employers – those who create very good working conditions, pay attention to talents and employees’ development on all the organization’s levels and continue to improve employment practices.

We are glad to be able to cooperate with companies whose vision of being a good employer is appreciated by HR experts – at the same time, it is a challenge for us as an agency, since we deal largely with internal communication and employer branding and understand that we must keep up with top of the line experts. But we do like such challenges!

One of our clients awarded with the certificate – Merck – organized a meeting for their employees to celebrate the event together, and here’s how the company CEO Michał Bichta summed it up in an announcement for the press: “We want our employees to be engaged in the company’s operations because we believe this is the only attitude that can lead to better results. Being one of the best employers is an important distinction for our company.”

Full list of certified companies is available HERE 

We are happy to see that as many as nine companies from the 2017 list of certified top employers are our clients. Here’s how the Top Employers Institute explained its decision: Our detailed independent research has revealed that the companies provide their employees with exceptional working conditions, make sure their talents are appreciated and provide them with development opportunities on all company levels, and have proven to be HR leaders by constantly improving and developing their employment practices.

Here’s the great “9” of awarded companies that we cooperate with Avon Cosmetics Polska Bank BGŻ BNP Paribas SA Bank Pekao SA Grupa Goodyear Polska ING Bank Śląski SA  Merck Poland PepsiCo Poland Provident Polska SA Raiffeisen Bank Polska SA


Kategorie: power of contentic


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