Science-fiction at hand

Each new generation of mobile devices turns our imagination into reality. For producers, a smartphone is the man's universal and omnipresent friend. But is the contemporary man equally friendly towards it?
Katarzyna Petruk

Katarzyna Petruk

Professional pacifier of unwanted emotions. Since many years she leaves no doubt that her biggest love is Iceland. A strong personality with an assertive attitude.

★ 4 minutes czytania

We know mobile devices are changing dynamically, but how do the users’ behaviour change? The answer to this question comes from the report Generation Mobile 2014, which was based on a research by the SW Research agency in cooperation with NoNoobs.

You can find details here, we’ll discuss the major findings of the research – those regarding smartphone owners in particular, as they now constitute the majority of company employees. But there will be more. According to the research, one device is not enough for many of us. Every fourth respondent has both a mobile phone and a smartphone (mostly with Android), and more than every fifth of them has a tablet in addition to those two.
Smartphones are most popular among teenagers (13 – 17 years), which was visible also in the report. Three in four users always carry their smartphone with them, and when separated with it would like to get it back asap (44 percent) or say that they “miss it a bit” (33 percent). Can this help companies dispel the myth of a reader who does exist but nobody knows how to reach him? According to Irek Mirgos, Director for Innovations at Aude, the problem that is still valid is: to reach with what?

“The results are clear and confirm the expanding trend: depending on age, from 70 to 90 percent of the respondents declare they own a smartphone. This most personal electronic device is “at hand” all day long for ¾ of customers and employees.”
You can’t ignore the popularity of smartphones and the sense of indispensability, as this is more than the latest fad. Enterprises can not ignore the fact that smartphone screen is the screen most frequently looked at and need to introduce solutions that will enable them to be visible on that screen. Their presence needs to be valuable and provide content important to the user, otherwise employees will perceive it as an invasive form of communication, which on such a personal device will be even more annoying, and will ignore it as a result.
In Aude we develop projects that allow companies to use the behaviour change among their employees and customers and adjust both the content structure and its form. Valuable content in the right form – on the most convenient screen: this is what we now live and breathe.

Having a smartphone “at hand” means we use it on almost all occasions. Indeed, we use it even when this can be seen as rude. On social occasions, when we act both as a private person, like a meeting with friends or a family dinner, or as an employee – at business meetings, conferences or presentations delivered by other people (26 percent). More than every fourth of the respondents use smartphones while driving (39 percent), or when shopping: to compare prices (29 percent) or get a discount (25 percent). 24 percent of the respondents have used smartphones while watching a movie at the cinema, and 22 percent… while being on a date.

One of the key areas where we have been using smartphones for a few years now is communications (broadly understood: as e-mailing, chatting, phone talks, SMS). The role of the smartphone as a learning and working tool has been increasing. In 2013, 17 percent of the respondents declared they read and edit documents and books on the device, while in 2014 the rate is as much as 30 percent. We also got more into paying via smartphone. The tablet plays a slightly different role, as it is mainly used for getting information: surfing on the Internet (74 percent) and reading and editing documents and books (67 percent.)

Marketers are no doubt interested in the popularity of applications. The largest rate of users instal up to nine apps on their mobile devices and around half of them use them regularly. Most of them do not spend more than 9 zł on apps (42 percent), but nearly every third of the respondents spend from 10 to 19 zł on mobile applications. The expense is slightly higher in the case of tablets – 46 percent of the respondents declare to have spend more than 20 zł on paid applications.

Most of the respondents believe smartphones are going to be widely used in bank transactions and payment in stores in the nearest future. If that was already possible, more than half of them would use their smartphones as a medical and diagnostic device or as a remote home automation tool. It looks like we are ready to let the smartphone become our trustee both in private life and in business.

Kategorie: top trends, B2E


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